Let’s Laugh to Live

Same Dreams, Again and Again. (April 3, 2024)

Same Dreams, Again and Again.

(April 3, 2024)

Same Dreams, Again and Again;

 Everyone dreams, but seldom remembers when she/he wakes up. But, sometimes, one remembers for clear or unclear reasons. In my case, I have two types of recurrent dreams;

(1) I wander in an old wooden house. Sometimes, the house is very large, more like a mansion. In the house, there are long stretches of maze-like corridors and stairways. It’s dark but barely visible. On both sides of corridors, there are doors so there must be rooms behind them. Sometimes, it’s a boarding house where I rent a room. Perhaps, I’m back from a long trip and trying to find my room in the house but couldn’t. Sometimes, it’s a boarding house again but I moved out many years ago. Perhaps, I left my stuff, and came back to retrieve but couldn’t find where in the house. Sometimes, the house is a hotel.

 The one thing that is common in every case is that I can’t find my place. In my real life, since I left my parents’ home for college decades ago, until now, I moved from one place to another. I lived in many places but never had a place where I can call it home. The place I live now is also a room-for-rent. I know some years from now, or sooner, I must move to somewhere else.

(2) I am wandering on a town street and desperately trying to find train station or bus stop. I have an important appointment but late for it. When I wake up, I’m truly relieved it is a dream.

 In sleepless nights, I listen to audiobooks and radio dramas. The Twilight Zone; Radio Series is my favorite. Of course, I liked TWZ; TV Series too, and bought a complete dvd box sets from Amazon. But the radio series have their own virtues. They invoke listeners’ imagination. (In Danse Macabre (1981), Stephen King discusses the virtues of radio dramas. I believe radio served Mr. King’s creativity.)

 Some of the episodes of The Twilight Zone deal with recurring nightmares. My favorite episodes are:

  •  Perchance to Dream (S1. E9, Nov 27, 1959)
  •  A Stop at Willoughby (S1. E30, May 6, 1960)
  •  Twenty Two (S2. E17, Feb 1, 1961)
  •  Shadow Play (S2. E26, May 5, 1961)

(The episodes numberings and aired dates are of TWZ; TV Series. I referred IMDb for the information.)

There are other episodes about characters who can’t wake up from nightmares. I can sleep peacefully as I listen to these stories because they are just stories, and relieve me from horror and difficulties of real life.

*The Twilight Zone, TV Series, 1959-1964.

*The Twilight Zone, Radio Series, 2002-2012.

*King, Stephen, Danse Macabre (1981)



